Awake at 4am? It must be God.
One night - about 4am - Christy Catlin woke from a dream. In that dream she saw a long line of people waiting to be helped. And in the front of that line was a familiar face. The face of a friend she equated with the town of Burnet. And that friend simply said "Get to Burnet." Upon waking, Christy says she could hear music - one specific song, in fact - a song called The Anthem by Jesus Culture and Jake Hamilton. The theme of that song resonated deeply in Christy about a world in need of changing and a call to do something about it. Christy relayed this experience to her husband, Kellen, and they began to pray and ask God to confirm this call.

Ok... how?
After months of prayer and confirmation, Kellen and Christy were sure that God was calling them to leave everything and move to Burnet to start... something. They weren't sure if it was a ministry, a partnership with local ministries currently at work, or a church. But something. As they began talking to locals and understanding the needs of the community, it seemed apparent that this was along the lines of a church plant. But that brought with it many questions and challenges - both for Kellen and Christy personally and for the logistics of planting a church.
Well of course He is.
But - God is God. And He's pretty much undefeated at getting done what He wants to get done. On the personal side, Kellen and Christy resigned their full-time jobs in Houston, packed up their 4 kids and 2 dogs and moved out of their house with a lot of stuff and unanswered questions. Fortunately, God works quickly. Days before moving, Kellen and Christy had a place to stay open up. Days after arriving, excellent job opportunities began to fall in place. And on January 3rd, 2021 Relentless Church held it's first service at Trailblazer Grille in the Burnet town square.

Can't stop, won't stop.
So, it's been over 2 years. The church has grown to about 3x the size we started with. We're getting pretty cramped in Trailblazer Grille, but if that's what it takes to get this family together we will gladly do it. We have thriving communities for our youth, kids, men, and women and are soon to add our couples to the rotation. Leadership is growing and it 's really starting to feel like we're stretching our wings a bit in preparation for flight. New heights are a step away. Come and take flight with us.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday at 10am inside Trailblazer Grille